Litter picking at Kingbarrow
We don't just manage invasive species on Portland; here's the team litter picking at Kingbarrow. The entrance is opposite the site for the weekly market on Portland - perhaps this is the source [...]
The Verne Local Nature Reserve
The team have just started to focus their cotoneaster removal efforts at the Verne Local Nature Reserve, overlooking Chesil Cove. There is very little space at the top of the slope, so we [...]
Oak Eggar Moth
One of the benefits of working outdoors is the huge variety of species you encounter. This is the 5th instar stage of Lasiocampa quercus, the Oak Eggar Moth. There wasn't an oak tree in sight [...]
New tipper truck
This is Bruce, the Scottish Tree Monkey, looking resplendent in his hi-vis vest, and our latest acquisition - the new tipper truck! Those people who are also self-employed will understand my sense of excitement [...]
Nice day for cotoneaster management
The sun is shining at Tout Quarry Sculpture Park today, so it's a nice day for cotoneaster management. We have been trying out Shane's high tech quad copter to capture some video and [...]
Extreme Weeding!
After a wet start to the day, the sun is finally breaking through to lift our spirits. This is Paul removing cotoneaster (extreme weeding!) from above the coast path at Tout Quarry Sculpture [...]
HMIRC The Verne
It's not every day that you get asked to fell trees in a prison, or Her Majesty's Immigration Removal Centre - to be precise. The January storms had damaged the roots of two [...]
Storm damage work at Seaview Holiday Park
Last week we were engaged by Seaview Holiday Park at Preston, Weymouth to carry out some remedial pruning of a large number of trees at the site. Many branches had snapped out in [...]