We are currently engaged by the Dorset Wildlife Trust at The Verne Local Nature Reserve at Portland, Dorset. The land is owned by the local authority, Weymouth and Portland Borough Council, and the project overseen by Natural England. The land has become heavily overgrown by native and invasive alien tree and scrub species, and we have been commissioned for clearing fence lines to enable stock fencing to be erected. Rare breed livestock will then graze the land in an effort to clear the remaining scrub and revert the land back to grassland.
Our team are using hedge-trimmers, brush-cutters and chainsaws to clear wide paths through the dense scrub. These pathways will be used by the fencing contractor to gain access and install around 2 kilometres of stock fencing, with kissing gates to enable the public to continue to have access through the site. Discussions are ongoing between the Dorset Wildlife Trust, W&PBC, Fancy’s Farm and the Rare Breeds Trust in respect of the future grazing arrangements at the reserve.
- We have cut and burned thick blackthorn and bramble scrub
- Nick and Sean burning scrub at the Verne Local Nature Reserve