Wood Fired Oven and BBQ logs
The best wood species. Cherry, Oak, Silver Birch, Apple, and Hawthorn are carefully chosen to elevate your pizza and BBQ experience & unlock the full flavor potential of your outdoor cooking.
Seasoned kindling
Seasoned kindling now available
We now sell seasoned kindling, so why not buy a sack or two with your log order?Sustainability
Our kindling is a by-product from our log-splitting process. We never buy-in kindling from other suppliers, so there are no associated transport costs or emissions. We use large, woven sacks, holding around 10 times the normal quantity of kindling that other retailers sell. Please help us to be as sustainable as we can be, by returning our sacks for re-use.Unseasoned Softwood Logs
Our Unseasoned Softwood Logs are available in multiple quantities within the Weymouth and Portland areas. Logs are supplied in large, woven sacks or bulk loose loads in order to keep costs down and improve our environmental footprint. The size of the sacks are approximately 3 times larger than the net bags commonly used by retailers.
Seasoned Softwood Logs
Our Seasoned Softwood logs are available in multiple quantities within the Weymouth and Portland areas. Logs are supplied in large, woven polythene sacks or bulk loose loads in order to keep costs down and improve our environmental footprint. The size of the sacks are approximately 3 times larger than the net bags commonly used by retailers.
Seasoned Mixed Logs –
Our Seasoned Mixed Logs are available in multiple quantities within the Weymouth and Portland areas. Logs are supplied in large, woven polythene sacks or bulk loose loads. This helps us to keep costs down and improve our environmental footprint. The size of the sacks are approximately 3 times larger than the net bags commonly used by retailers.
Please Note: due to exceptional demand, we are temporarily not taking further orders of our seasoned range, until all existing orders have been fulfilled. Thank you.
Seasoned Hardwood Logs
Our Seasoned Hardwood Logs are available in various quantities within the Weymouth and Portland areas. Logs are supplied in large, woven polythene sacks or bulk loose loads. This helps to keep costs down and improve our environmental footprint. The size of the sacks are approximately 3 times larger than the net bags commonly used by retailers.
Please Note: due to exceptional demand, we are temporarily not taking further orders of our seasoned range, until all existing orders have been fulfilled. Thank you.